89% of companies compete mostly on customer experience

Customer experience is everything, nowadays you are only one click away from your competitors and thanks to social media, a bad customer experience can poison the well. A recent Gartner survey stated that in 2016, 89% of companies were expecting to compete mostly on the basis of customer...

The advantages of getting a custom web-based solution

It used to be that commissioning a custom software solution was an expensive, lengthy process requiring a substantial investment in both hardware and software. This is no longer the case. Using open-source software frameworks and cloud deployment, cost-effective and highly scalable solutions can be...

The pitfalls of running company processes on spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are great for adding up numbers. Over the years though their capabilities have grown and they are used for storing & organising all sorts of data and attempting to automate & systematise business processes. Quite often these uses start as small projects early in the life of...