Tag: Digitize Your Business

Helping businesses to survive and thrive beyond COVID

Many companies responded to the pandemic with a (not so) simple ‘Lift & Shift’, where they distributed their existing office architecture remotely and quickly adopted platforms like Teams and Slack to coordinate their business process. After many years of reticence to embrace...

SMEs should focus their efforts on digital transformation in order to survive

As Surrey Chamber members, we are very keen to try and help as many SMEs as possible with their online presence. We can provide robust, secure and quick-to-build online tools that will help you get the best out of the current situation in a cost-effective way. We can build e-commerce solutions,...

Using the right (digital) tools for the job

The importance of having an efficient digital workplace Although it might be nice to reflect back on the more sedate pace of the business world of 30 years ago, before all of our lives became dominated by mobile phones and emails, there’s no getting away from the fact that today’s...